Saturday, May 2, 2009

I'm....a Communist?

The Missouri House of Representatives voted Tuesday to pass an amendment to SB296 to protect pharmacies that refuse to fill prescription or sell over-the-counter medication to women seeking birth control.

Representative Cynthia Davis went so far as to accuse anyone opposing the amendment of being an anti-American communist. (Note: I am not making this up and I’m not overacting, check it out). I find it ironic that Rep. Davis feels that businesses should have choice as to what products to stock but that women should not have choice over their reproductive health issues…health issues that may have even been discussed with a doctor! She believes that the businesses right to chose the products they stock trumps the choice of a women carrying out her right to healthcare!

Anti-choice legislators continue to treat birth control and abortion as one and the same. It’s hard to believe that these legislators still don’t understand that birth control prevents pregnancy while abortion terminates a pregnancy. Please join me in contacting your legislator and inform them that they need to educate themselves regarding reproductive health and biology. This vote for pharmacy denial amendment was a vote against access to basic health care for Missouri women.

Once again, Missouri legislators are indulging in public displays of their wrong priorities at the expense of women’s rights to basic health care. Despite facing a serious budget crisis and growing unemployment, the leadership of the Missouri House is still chasing the wrong priorities. Please let your legislator know that Missourians don’t need them to restrict access to birth control.

(Some content of this post is taken from a Planned Parenthood email)

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