Saturday, April 25, 2009

Disability History Bill

This morning, I wrote Missouri Representative Grisamore and thanked him for sponsoring HB 1047. I also wrote the Representatives I know and informed them of the importance of this Bill, asking them to support it.

HB 1047, would require all schools to add Disability History and Awareness to their curriculum. Many states have passed similar legislation and I hope that Missouri can benefit from a similar law.

With the passing of HB 1047, I believe that it will lead to the better treatment of people with disabilities, lead to the encouragement to individuals with disabilities to develop increased self-esteem, and the reaffirmation of the local and federal commitment to full inclusion.
The disability civil rights movement is frozen in time. I believe it is due to society’s negative perception of disability…it’s a social construct. I believe that the limitation does not reside within the individual. Rather, the limitation is really how society perceives disability and how citizens design our programs, policies, buildings and curricula. Disability should be a part of all diversity initiatives and should be recognized as merely a difference not a medical malady.
I would encourage you to review the websites below for further information.

William Loren Katz once stated, “If you believe people have no history worth mentioning, it’s easy to believe they have no humanity worth defending”.

Please inform your legislators of HB 1047 and ask them to support the bill.

1 comment:

  1. I suspect people might object to your suggestion because they will be fearful it will lead to ... gasp ... homosexual history being mandatory in schools. They won't go for that.
