Friday, March 27, 2009

More on EC and Rape Survivors

Now that we have educated ourselves a bit regarding EC in the last post, did you know that many hospitals do not provide EC as an option to rape survivors! Why is that? Why doesn’t emergency room staff discuss it or at least inform the woman of the option?

It seems that many of the hospitals that refuse to even discuss or provide Plan B are religious hospitals, such as Catholic hospitals. But it has been reported in other hospitals as well. It seems that morality is the reasoning behind not providing and/or not discussing EC.

A rape survivor has a lot of things on her mind and she ought to at least be able to weigh all of her options and act on them, to include information and the use of EC if she chooses. Many times, bills have been filed on the national level to make hospitals provide the option and the medication if the rape survivor chooses to take EC. Each time the bill never passes. Why is this? My searches come up empty. I'm guessing it is the power of the religious right? Some states have been successful in passing bills in their own state, such as Washington and Ohio.

If you would like to see a change on a federal level to end this kind of oppression, you may learn more at NARAL.

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